Maintain a healthy and productive workforce.
Mindshift Consultancy provides expert guidance, support and education to enable your organisation to create and maintain a healthy and productive workforce. Our focus is on sickness absence management and raising awareness around the subject of poor mental health. We offer specialist training and provide input where stress or reduced mental fitness could affect performance or attendance.

Aimed especially at those working in the Occupational Health sector, but providing useful insights to those working in Management, Human Resources, and Health and Safety, this book brings together the crucial aspects of supporting and managing mental health in the workplace.

Your employees are possibly your biggest asset and we believe in a two-pronged approach to proactively care for them when well, and reactively care for them when they are not. We believe that this can be best achieved via:
Early Intervention via Management Referrals
Early intervention via management referrals whereby a full assessment is conducted resulting in a comprehensive outcome report for the referrer providing robust advice for both employee and employer. This process can help reduce sickness absence rates and support employees back to work sooner rather than later.
Mindshift provides quality training including but not limited to stress management, mental health awareness, resilience and Mental Health First Aid. Such training can act as both a primary and secondary intervention to employee wellbeing by impacting the workplace culture around mental fitness and increasing knowledge, understanding and confidence on these subjects.
We are passionate about imparting the value of information and knowledge. Research has shown a significant return on investment via training that enables managers and staff to have greater confidence around the topic of mental “ill-health” and an increased likelihood of communicating with employees on (or at risk of) sickness absence.
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