Stress Risk Assessment
Risk assessments that minimize physical harm to staff are common-place and provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) is RARELY overlooked. Mindshift can provide a clear guide that covers PPE for mental fitness. Based on the HSE Management Standards for Stress, Mindshift provides guidance and support to enable you to meet your legal requirement to minimise work-related stress.

Employee Engagement Survey
The most successful organisations acknowledge that personal factors, away from the workplace, can impact on productivity and attendance. Mindshift’s survey combines questions based on the HSE management standards, that explore how work design could lead to stress, with additional questions regarding the psychosocial factor of “balance”. This is to reflect the reality that everyone has multiple roles in life and that sometimes responsibilities can lead to role conflict or overload.
We recommend an annual survey that enables you to stay aware of how people-healthy your organisation is and, in combination with other measures, enables you to evaluate your return on investment into provision of wellbeing initiatives. Evidence suggests that organisations that take “a continuous improvement/feedback loop approach to improving wellbeing programmes are much more likely to report their activity has had positive outcomes compared with those that don’t take such a rigorous approach to evaluations (CIPD, 2019).
Mindshift works in partnership with an analytic software company for mental health, and provides opportunities for staff to anonymously engage in wellbeing surveys.